Hapara Highlights – Troubleshooting

Following are troubleshooting steps that should resolve the following error (or a similar one) occasionally encountered by teachers using Hapara Highlights.


If you are seeing the error presented above, we will assume a few things:

  • that you are a teacher successfully logged into Hapara
    (indicating that this is not a teacher login issue)
  • that you see panels for the appropriate courses and students
    (indicating that this is not an error in syncing Synergy data with Hapara)
  • that you are in the Interact (Highlights) tab of Hapara, and see the browser tabs or current screens of some students, but not all
    (indicating that this is not a network error on the teacher laptop, and that Hapara Interact is working correctly)

If any of these assumptions are NOT true, please reply and indicating that these are not issue so we can further assist you.


If the above assumptions above are true, the issue likely lies with the student's laptop. For Highlights to work appropriately for teachers in Hapara, the student's laptop with Chrome must be:

1 - Laptop must connected within the school's network

2- Must be up to date

  • > Settings > About Chrome 

3- Students must be logged into Chrome with their student account

  • > Settings > Google and You

4- The Hapara Highlights chrome extension must be working.

  •  >  More Tools > Extensions (turn off or remove any that may be in conflict with it)

Likely Solution

If the student's laptop is open and connected to the Greenwood network, the issue is likely with the Hapara Highlights Chrome extension. Logging into Chrome with the Student's school Google account usually corrects this situation.